Sunday, June 25, 2007
Zdravko Čolić, one of the greatest Yugoslav pop stars, performed an almost four-hour concert at the Belgrade’s stadium Marakana on Sunday evening in front of an audience of about 70,000, which once again confirmed his status of a star.
The concert was started at 20.30 by the performance of Intermeco, a female string quartet, which played a few pop and rock classics on wire instruments, such as Englishman in New York.
Čolić started his performance with the song „Mala“ (i.e. „Baby“) from the new album „Zavičaj“ (i.e. „Homeland“), which set the audience on their legs with its first measures.
„Good evening and welcome!“, Čolić greeted his audience, specially addressing the visitors in the west, east, north and the first floor seats. In the beginning of the night he said that he was going to sing the old hits, but also the songs from „Zavičaj“, then he immediately warmed the atmosphere up with the hits, such as: Čija je ono zvezda (i.e. „Whose star is that?“), Produži dalje (i.e. „Go further“), Živiš u oblacima (i.e. „You are living in clouds, baby“), Pisaću joj pisma duga (i.e. „I’ll write her long letters“).
Thanks to great musicians and revised arrangements with a newer and fresher sound, some of the old songs got new energy, such as hits Selen Velen (i.e. „Selen Velen“) and Ćaje Šukarije („Ćaje Šukarije“).
He sang 41 songs, including almost all greatest hits from his rich career.
During his whole performance he “saved“ neither his voice, nor himself, thus having lectured some domestic stars who really gathered a great number of people at the concerts, but still, they were not even close to tonight’s performance.
Polular Čola was in touch with the audience all the time, walking from one part of the stage to other, as well as on the thrust stage or the so-called „catwalk“, which was bringing the audience, particularly a more numerous female one, to the state close to ectasy.
The concert was followed by fantastic scenic effects by which the world’s greatest stars would not be ashamed of, as well as the sound system of the same quality.
To crown it all, there was a song Pjesmo moja (i.e. „My song“), when Čolić was being followed by the male choir, after which the fireworks were set off.